Tag: robot
जापान के इस होटल में रोबोट करेगा आपका स्वागत
आप अकसर होटल में जाते होंगे लेकिन क्या कभी किसी रोबोट ने आपका हाल चाल पूछा है, या आपका स्वागत किया है? दरअसल जापान...
Uploaded brains will take over all jobs within 100 years
We’ve all heard wild visions of the future. Hearing them from an economist, in a new book from Oxford University Press, makes them seem...
Having stomach troubles? Try swallowing an origami robot
Has your child swallowed a small battery? In the future, a tiny robot made from pig gut could capture it and expel it.
Researchers at...