Universal enrollment is the first goal of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan: Prakash Javadekar

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New Delhi: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), a programme for universalisation of elementary education, has provided 2.04 lakh primary and 1.59 lakh upper primary schools across the country to ensure universal access, HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar said today.

Universal enrollment is the first goal of SSA and all efforts are being made to bring all children, including girls, to school, he said during Question Hour in Lok Sabha, amidst noisy protests by the Opposition over demonetisation issue.

Javadekar said SSA strategies for promotion of girls education include opening of schools in the neighbourhood to make access easier for girls, appointment of additional teachers, including women teachers, free textbooks, free uniforms, separate toilets for girls, teachers sensitisation programmes to promote girls participation, gender-sensitive teaching-learning materials, including textbooks.

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