Relief to domestic power consumers in UP, no hike in power tariff


In a relief to domestic consumers, Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPSERC) today spared them from any hike in power tariff and did not propose any increase in tariff for small users for private tubewell or pumpsets for irrigation purposes.

The new tariff for 2016-17 was announced by UPSERC today, said an official.

The tariff has been planned in such a way so as to compensate the rising costs of the licencees without putting excessive load on the consumers, he said.

Efforts have been made to ensure that the effective tariff for consumers with lower consumption is lesser as compared to those with higher consumption.

In an initiative to revive the financially-distressed distribution companies (discoms), the Centre has approved a new scheme proposed by the Ministry of Power, Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojna (UDAY), said the official.

Recognising the hardship of the Bundelkhand farmers, the commission has relaxed the minimum bill payable by a consumer to Rs 100 per BHP per month. This would be applicable till installation of meter to private tubewell consumers.

The commission has approved telescopic tariff for LMV-4 category of consumers which, in turn, would result in a lesser amount in the electricity bill for those who consume less electricity and would also help in smooth implementation of pre-paid metering.

To encourage consumers to make payments on or before the due date, the rebate has been increased from 0.25 to 0.5 per cent.

SERC has also approved that in case of rectification, adjustment, settlement of bills etc., consumers would also be entitled to interest at the same rate as that on the security deposit on all the dues payable by the licensee to them.

To encourage the use of solar energy, it has decided to continue with the rebate to consumers for installing and using solar water heaters, which costs only Rs 100 per month.

Sourced from PTI, Featured image courtesy: