BJP corporator throws `booze’ party at govt school in Bhayandar


A raucous booze party was allegedly held at a government-run school in Bhayandar in the district to celebrate `Gatari’ last week.

`Gatari’ is a local custom where a feast of non-veg dishes accompanied by booze is held before the onset of the holy month of `shravan’.

Mira Bhayandar Municipal Commissioner Achuyt Hange told PTI that he ordered inquiry into the incident after receiving several complaints.

The party, held at a civic shool in Mashacha Pada on July 31, was allegedly organised by a BJP corporator.

The participants danced to the tune of DJ system in the rain, creating nuisance for the locals.

Hange said he asked the education officer Suresh Deshmukh to carry out enquiry, and the report submitted by the latter blamed the BJP corporator and prima facie confirmed the complaints.

Further action would be taken soon, he added.

The security guard at the school which was closed for Sunday refused to hand over the keys to the participants, but they allegedly forced their way in.

Local police said there had been no complaint so far.

Mira Bhayandar mayor and BJP leader Geeta Jain claimed that the party was held not in the school but in an adjoining building.

From Agencies, Feature image courtesy