ESG not giving space for shifting of museum objects: Minister


Panaji: Goa Museum Minister Alina Saldanha today told the Assembly that Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG) here has ignored the state government’s repeated demands to provide its premises for shifting of the artefacts from the state museum, which is in a dire condition.

Saldanha told the House that the Goa State Museum building is standing in a dilapidated condition right now, which has necessitated the need to shift the artefacts to alternate place.

“We had requested the Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG) to provide us their premises to shift the artefacts, but they have not heeded to our request,” Saldanha said.

She told the House that requests by two successive chief ministers did not get any respond from ESG.

The ESG is a state-run agency, which hosts International Film Festival of India (IFFI).

“We are going to convene a meeting with ESG officials informing them about the urgency about shifting the artifacts.

We are very concerned about the artifacts, which are preserved,” she said.

The minister said budgetary provisions have been made to take care of all aspects of the museum, but cannot be utilised as shifting of artefacts has not taken place.

(Sourced from agencies, Feature image