Soon you will get paid on Facebook for your videos

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Recently, The Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook is developing a video app for Apple TV and other boxes. This rumor hasn’t been confirmed yet. But, it’s evident that Facebook isn’t hesitant to further push videos.

The company will soon pay video makers up front and ad revenue sharing. After this, the company is expected to put videos more aggressively in people’s News Feed. Facebook’s model will be more like YouTube, which will enable it to gather more video creators.

The company plans to share its video revenue with the content creators and lure them to keep contributing videos. Along the similar lines, Facebook has also added a new video tab in its phone app.

It looks like Facebook is all set to make another big jump and ditch the label of a traditional social networking company. With its increased participation in fulfilling people’s news-related needs, it has already turned itself into a media company, a stature that will be further strengthened with the help of its big bets in the video.

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(Sourced from agencies, feature image

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