Tag: diabetes
“Over 70k children suffered from diabetes in 2015”
Over 70,000 children between the age of 0-14 years were suffering from diabetes in 2015, the government today said.
"As informed by the Indian Council...
Experts worried about child obesity on World Diabetes Day
Obesity, which is a serious public health concern, has become a major cause for increase in juvenile diabetes and even heart diseases among children,...
डायबटीज में ऊंटनी का दूध बना रामबाण,पढ़िए क्या है अन्य फायदे
डायबटीज आज के दौर में हर घर की बीमारी बन चुका है। इसके इलाज में लोग न जाने कितने रुपये खर्च कर देते हैं...