4,000mph hypersonic plane that could fly from London to Sydney in FOUR HOURS moves closer to takeoff


The European Space Agency has invested $11 million toward the development of an engine that could allow aircraft to fly anywhere in the world in just four hours.

Oxfordshire-based Reaction Engines has been developing a turbine that combines both jet and rocket technologies to achieve rates five times the speed of sound.According to the firm, the new agreement  with the ESA and the UK Space Agency, along with the existing partnership with BAE Systems, means that the first ground demonstrator engine could be ready for testing by 2020.

The revolutionary Sabre engine could allow aircraft to take off from a runway and accelerate to five times the speed of sound, before switching to a rocket mode, propelling it into orbit.

This design could also be used to send satellites into space at a fraction of the current cost.


To see the video click here:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3686768/4-000mph-hypersonic-plane-passengers-London-Sydney-FOUR-HOURS-moves-closer-takeoff-European-Space-Agency-backs-revolutionary-Sabre-engine.html#v-3943168030001


Sourced from Agencies, Featured Image Courtesy: dailymail.co.uk