New film by Indie pop band Euphoria


Euphoria is now venturing into filmmaking with its first short film, which traces the band’s journey from its inception and hints about the new music underway.

“We just finished shooting at multiple locations in Himachal Pradesh, and it was an experience of a lifetime. The story of the film has been developed around the first song from our next album. I’ve directed it myself and we are looking at an October end or November first week release for the film and the song,” frontman and vocalist Palash Sen told PTI in an interview.

Sen injured himself during the film’s shoot but says he continued shooting due to time constraints. The musician was in the national capital to perform with singer Rabbi Shergill for a music concert filled with Punjabi, Bollywood and Sufi music.

The concert to raise funds for animal welfare was hosted by the People For Animals (PFA), one of the country’s oldest NGO for animals.

“I had fractured two ribs, but continued shooting as we had very limited time. I could only do this, thanks to the support that my bandmates gave me through this ordeal,” Sen said.

The band is performing in the city in the backof the release of their latest single “Halla Bol”, which is inspired by ‘true events’ and features the violence in universities.

The singer has been quite vocal about the plight of independent music artists in India and the dominance of commercial Bollywood music over other genres. He said it is important that record labels and corporates support the new artists.

“In Bollywood, it’s all about the money. Music is not created to express oneself, it is created to suit a producer’s need to suit a director’s vision of making an actor look good so that money is minted at the box office. The musicians in Bollywood do not have any power over the others. So I doubt that they are in a position to help others.”

Euphoria became one of the the pioneers of Indian pop music wave that hit the country in the mid nineties. Their first single titled ‘Dhoom Pichuk Dhoom’ became one of the most popular video to hit TV screens in that decade. In 2001 it became the first ever band to play inside the United Nations General Assembly.

From Agencies, Feature image courtesy glamsham