6th edition of the Indian Languages Festival (ILF) Samanvay to begin on Nov 5

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The three-day annual event at India Habitat Centre here, will see participation by over 40 artists, thinkers and actors, who will engage in discussions, sessions and workshops on different elements of language and its components like the arts, music, performance, technology along with the literary.

With support from The Raza Foundation, an arts and culture organisation, the festival will also see ‘Art Articulations’ curated by Deeksha Nath and will feature seminal artists at the intersections of various artistic and critical sites.

“We are asking many questions: Does language as public action only mean ‘protest literature’; and activist slogans? What are the myriad ways in which ‘language’; comes into public play?

“Where is the border between the public and the private in our times of communication revolution? How do art and other creative worlds understand public action and forge their languages?” says Rizio.

(Sourced from agencies, feature image courtesy:indianexpress.com)  

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