BRICS wellness workshop in Bengaluru from Sept 10


A two-day BRICS Wellness Workshop is being organised by AYUSH Ministry from September 10 in Bengaluru to promote partnership in traditional medicine systems.

“Traditional medicine has assumed an important role in contemporary community health care due to its health promotive, disease preventive, curative, rehabilitative and rejuvenation properties,” Secretary AYUSH, Ajit M Sharan said.

“…The Workshop has been organised to promote partnerships with BRICS nations, have knowledge sharing and push forward AYUSH initiatives in these countries which will further help in its globalisation.”

The workshop will also include a session on WHO strategy for Traditional Medicine, according to a statement issued by the ministry.

Before the workshop commences, site visits to traditional medicine institute/facilities for delegates from the BRICS countries will also be organised.

Secretary-level officers and traditional medicine/wellness experts from the BRICS countries will participate in the workshops.

Yoga workshops and Ayurveda consultations with experts will also be held for interested delegates from tomorrow to September 12.

The ministry will also simultaneously organise a four-day AROGYA Fair – a comprehensive Health and Wellness Fair – showcasing strengths of traditional systems/wellness sector in India as well as other BRICS partner countries from September 10 to September 13.

Sourced from PTI, Featured image courtesy: