CBI, CVC, CAG not stumbling blocks, says BBB chief Vinod Rai


The CBI, CVC and CAG are not stumbling blocks that are causing any kind of policy paralysis and it is a total bogey, Banks Board Bureau chief Vinod Rai said on Tuesday.

He said there are a kind of people, who are minority in the government, making maximum amount of noise saying there is a policy paralysis.

“Let me dispel the notion that anybody who tells either the CBI, CVC or CAG is a stumbling block to any kind of policy paralysis or decision making exercise. It is a total bogey.

It’s a total alibi of non-performance,” Rai said.

He was delivering a lecture– “Do audit and vigilance lead to policy paralysis in the government”– to Chief Vigilance Officers of some government organisations at Central Vigilance Commission.

The BBB chief said in the government there are certain kind of people, if they are hauled up by the CVC, they make the maximum amount of noise. “When their shops get shut, they say there is policy paralysis,” said Rai, former Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG).

Audit reports on coal blocks and second generation spectrum allocation, besides those on Commonwealth Games related projects during Rai’s tenure as CAG had cited alleged serious administrative and financial irregularities worth crores.

There have been concerns by some regarding fear of three Cs–Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) and CAG.

Rai said unless there is an oversight agency, there will not be any trust or confidence between public and its government.

“These institutions have been created to ensure there is certain element of transparency and there is certain element of probity in public administration and public spending,” he said.

Rai said all those in government jobs should feel that “we sit in glass houses and every action of us are being monitored from outside”.

He asked the CVOs– who act as distant arm of the CVC to check corruption– to differentiate between a malafide and bonafide mistake in decision making.

Sourced from PTI, Featured image courtesy: www.tkbsen.in