The Gandhi, Mahatma overshadowed

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From Nazar Photography Monographs 03 – KANU'S GANDHI. Photograph by Kanu Gandhi / © Gita Mehta, heir of Abha and Kanu Gandhi.
From Nazar Photography Monographs 03 – KANU’S GANDHI.
Photograph by Kanu Gandhi / © Gita Mehta, heir of Abha and Kanu Gandhi.

The book is written in a diary form with Kastur penning her experiences in Porbandar where she was born on April 11, 1869- six months before the birth of Mohandas Gandhi who was born in neighbourhood on October 2, 1869 and, early life with young Mohandas, her days in Africa and Mohandas’s rise as a mass leader.

As her diary traverses through the years in Porbandar, opposition from the Modh Bania community to Gandhi’s plans to go abroad for studies much against the community’s opposition to such ventures, his work in South Africa, Kastur writes of the horror that she was subjected to by Mohandas when she was told to clean not only own chamber pots every day but also extend the service to other residents whose pots had not been tended to or cleaned properly.

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