Huge fire breaks out in Walmart store near Vijayawada


VIJAYWADA, ANDHRA PRADESH:  A huge fire broke out in Walmart’s wholesale store near Vijaywada in Andhra Pradesh on Saturday, police said.

The fire engulfed a large part of the Best Price modern wholesale store located at Nidamanur, resulting in huge loss of property.

There were no casualties in the fire, suspected to have been caused by a short circuit, officials said.

“A fire broke at our Best Price store premises in Vijaywada earlier today (Saturday). State Fire authorities quickly reached the store and have brought it under control. We are assessing the damage to the property and investigating the matter. Fortunately, no lives were lost in this unfortunate incident and all our employees and staff are safe,” said a spokesperson of Walmart.

This is one of the 21 Best Modern wholesale stores owned and operated by Walmart India across the country. Each store offers about 5,000 items in a cash and carry wholesale format.

“We have a robust ‘Business Continuity Plan’ (BCP) to handle all such issues and our BCP team has taken over to quickly restore our store. We are ensuring that our esteemed members don’t face any disruption of the services and continues to be served through our nearby Guntur Best Price store,” he added.

(Sourced from agencies, Feature image