India, Russia sign a pact to set up centers for perishable items

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UIC CEO Denis Vitalyevich Cherednichenko said: “The irradiation centers that we are planning to design, build and put into operation will use the technology and technical solution based on gamma-facility and/or electron accelerator.”

The exact cost will be determined after assessing the economic feasibility and completing relevant preparatory work, he said. “Depending on the technological solution used in the project and considering the selected options for the center, the average cost of the irradiation center usually ranges between USD 4 million to USD 20 million.”

Within the framework of bilateral cooperation, it is considered acceptable to extend a network of integrated infrastructure centers for irradiation treatment in the UAE, Mauritius and Malaysia, he added.

Radiation treatment is carried out in dosage recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and it neither reduces the nutritional value of food nor spoils their taste and appearance, Cherednichenko said.

“This project will become an example of international cooperation in the sphere of nuclear technology development as well as the role of the peaceful use of nuclear power in addressing global challenges including those related to sustainable development,” he said.

Russian technologies are being used in 22 countries in 515 radiation plants, he added.

(Sourced from agencies, feature image

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