My religion is nobody else’s business, says CJI Thakur

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Relationship between man and God “is something which is very personal and individual. So no one else has any thing to do with it,” he added.

“I think the message of brotherhood, tolerance and accepting that ultimately all path leads to one path, one God, will bring world peace, will bring prosperity. In that sense Rohinton has done a great service,” Justice Thakur said.

Former Supreme Court judge Justice B N Srikrishna explained certain verses of Gathas (the most sacred texts of the Zoroastrian faith believed to have been composed by Zoroaster himself) which dealt with equanimity.

Justice Srikrishna also explained its connection with the Rigveda and the similarities with Sanskrit.

Speaking on the occasion, noted lawyer Fali S Nariman, father of the author Rohinton F Nariman, said parents learn in retrospective about their children.

“We as parents come to realise, as many parents do, for years we did not appreciate the qualities exhibited now by Rohinton. Parents learn, unfortunately, retrospectively what they should have know about the characteristics of their children from the beginning.”

High Priest of Parsi community, Khurshed Dastoor, was present at the function.

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