Pakistan is the mother-ship of terrorism : Modi

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During his bilaterals with Putin and Xi yesterday, Modi had strongly articulated India’s concerns over terrorism emanating from Pakistan.

The Prime Minister stressed that those supporting terrorism have to be “punished, not rewarded.”

“The growing arc of terrorism threatens Middle East, West Asia, Europe and South Asia,” he said.

“Its violent footprint puts at risk the security of our citizens and undercuts our efforts aimed at economic growth,” he added.

Modi also asked BRICS countries to work together for early adoption of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) by the UN to tackle the menace and step up practical cooperation against terrorism.
Observing that BRICS nations have been a voice for peace, reform, reason and purposeful action, he said, “If new drivers of growth have to take root, there must be unhindered flow of skilled talent, ideas, technology and capital across borders”.

From Agencies, Feature image courtesy wikipedia

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