Raipur Central Jail inmates begin ‘satyagrah’, share hunger strike updates on social media

The Facebook page of Chhattissgarh jail satyagrah
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Nitin Chopra, a prisoner of Raipur Central Jail accused of kidnapping and extortion, tried to pull a stunt by emulating freedom icon Mahatma Gandhi and lead a third of his jail inmates (1,000 of the 3,391) in a ‘satyagrah’ hunger strike that began on October 2, the 147th birth anniversary of Gandhi.

Chopra and his satyagrahis had a list of fancy demands, including chewing tobacco, cigarettes and three-star hotel food, which they were articulating through Facebook and Twitter.

Although the administration managed to pacify the agitation of the inmates, the social media pages of ‘Jail Satyagrah’ continue to bug the state police.

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