Reading levels go down from 80% to 32% in 4 Years in Madhya Pradesh

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The proportion of children in grade III who could read at least words declined from 80% in 2010 to 32% in 2014 in government schools; the corresponding decline in private schools was from 88% in 2010 to 74% in 2014.

The transition rate from primary (grade V) to upper primary (grade VI) in Madhya Pradesh was 88.67% in 2014-15, according to the Unified District Information System (U-DISE) Flash Statistics 2015-16–below the all-India average of 90%.

At the upper primary level, learning levels are worse. Only 18% of grade VII students could read English sentences–the lowest in the country. Of those who could read, only 43% could tell the meaning of the sentence–again the lowest, indicating that even students who transition to upper primary perform poorly in comparison with students in other states.

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