Surgical strike against Pakistan to avenge Uri


It is great act of avenge to safeguard the nation. India has done an act against terrorist and those safeguarding them here are some main points which are noteworthy.

General Arora: It is deliberately done and i am delighted about that. Anybody against this is supporting the terrorism. Beacause we have gone deep and struck. What is appreciable is gathering of strength and putting a message across.

General Bakshi: Goood terror, bad terror, no distintction, Special forces are tool of retaliation. Pakistani forces were on high alert. Its a point of honour for any army to avenge its boys.

Bhushan Gokhale: The culmination of it all is as the channel shows we have done something. The result is a series of debates. So credit is to your channel also.

Arnab Goswami: But the credit is to be given entirely to prime minister Narendra Modi and army.for this surgical operation.

General bakshi: It s amazing that we have reacted and breached the psychological barrier. Where are the journalists blaming us for not doing external attacks but we have proved that we have oneof the best forces in the world.

Gaurav: We are so happy, we have so much proved it is of the same weightage as done by Israeli force and thanks to PM.

General bakshi: Rahil sharif went across and they knew it had to happen.

CD sahay: This was inescapable it had to happen because of cross border infiltration. India’s maturity is also shown as level of tolerance was crossed. It was operational and it had to happen. Because the message was to be put across.

General Arora: They are in a catch-22 situation pakistan retaliation is expected. they can deploy more defence mechanism.

Bhushan Gokhale: They are giving message that they are terrorist state. For that reason Pakistan needs to be isolated in world community.

(Sourced from agencies, Feature image