The man hacking India’s rich and powerful talks about next moves, while smoking joint

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In the conversation the hacker expressed that Legion wasn’t even interested in “political data” until a few weeks ago. He said that the group was in possession of several terabytes of raw data concerning all sorts of “interests” and that within that trove the hackers had identified gigabytes worth of information relating to Indian public figures. The data was choosing the targets for them, not the other way around, he added. Whatever they were finding, they aimed to release. From Dutt’s Twitter account, they shared a link to a “partial” data dump of approximately 1.2 gigabytes of her emails.

When asked about how they came into possession of so much data, he was vague and said they just “ended up with access to over 40k+ servers in India, and we decided — hey, why not write a tool to sift through them for interesting data?”

When Legions were in control of Gandhi’s account with around 1.3 million followers, they repeatedly mocked his intelligence.


With Mallya (about 5.5 million followers), they lambasted his alleged criminality, casting themselves as Robin Hood figures.

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LC expressed derision at how easily he had found so much personal data. Regarding Mallya, for instance, he said:

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