Uri attack: PM likens anger to 1965, reposes faith in army

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Reposing faith in the Indian army, the Prime Minister said it will foil all such designs through its bravery.

“They (Indian armymen) are the people who take bravery to its pinnacle so that 125 crore people can live a peaceful life,” he said.

“We are proud of our army. People and politicians get opportunities to speak and that’s what they do. But the army does not speak. The army displays its bravery,” Modi said.

He read out a message of an 11th standard student who had expressed anger over the Uri incident and had the desire to do something over it. After lot of thinking, he had resolved to give extra 3 hours to studies every day as his contribution to the country.

Appreciating the child’s “constructive thinking”, the Prime Minister said, “there is a lot of value to the anger that people of the country have. This is a symbol of the country’s awakening. This anger is of the kind of ‘do something’… When 1965 war (with Pakistan) broke out and Lal Bahadur Shastri was leading the country, similar was the feeling, anger in the country. There was fever of nationalism.

Everybody was keen to do something.

“At that time, Lal Bahadur Shastri ji attempted to represent this feeling in an excellent manner to the world and he gave the slogan of ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ to inspire common people to work for the country.”

Sourced from agencies, Feature image courtesy: www.thequint.com

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