Barack Obama: Hillary is somebody who has dedicated her life to make this country better

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US President Barack Obama has slammed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, saying he has nothing to offer on jobs, except for describing the current situation as a disaster. “He’s got nothing serious to offer on jobs,” Obama said at an election rally in New Hampshire yesterday, which has suddenly emerged as a swing state forcing the Clinton Campaign to send him to this State for campaigning.

“There hasn’t been enough talk about this economy in this election. And you know why?  Because we’ve created jobs for 73 months in a row now. Wages are rising. Just last week, the unemployment rate was at 4.9 per cent — that’s near the lowest levels in nearly nine years,” he said amidst applause from the audience.

“So Donald Trump generally avoids facts or he just denies them. So he said this is a ‘disaster’. A disaster?”, he said.

“I just came from Michigan. You want to know what a real disaster looks like, think back to that state and what we were dealing with eight years ago. The American auto industry was flat on its back. Unemployment was soaring. Today’s plants across that state and across the region that were shut down — they’re now doing double shifts,” he said.

“And you know what Donald Trump’s idea for the auto industry? He actually suggested that Michigan should send its auto jobs to states that pay their workers less.

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