Barack Obama sees all the credentials of a great American president in Hillary Clinton

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Making a strong pitch for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as the next occupant to the White House, US President Barack Obama has said she has all the credentials to be a “great president of the United States”.

“I know she can be a great President of the United States of America,” Obama said at an election rally in Florida.

“Hillary Clinton, she has been a First Lady. She has been a senator. She has been my Secretary of State. She has been in the room when tough decisions were made,” said the US president.

Praising the former Secretary of State, he said, “Clinton knows how those decisions can affect a veteran or a soldier, or a kid who needs a great education, or a worker who is fighting for a good job or a raise or a decent retirement. And I will tell you, even in the middle of crisis, she is calm and cool and collected.”

“No matter how tough the odds, no matter how much people try to knock her down, no matter how mean folks can be, she doesn’t point fingers. She doesn’t complain. She doesn’t whine. She just works harder and gets the job done,” Obama said.

“She actually knows what she is talking about. She has actually done her homework. So, she has got real plans to address what she has heard from you,” he said.

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