Bringing your dead dog back to life is now reality!


This South Korean cloning facility can bring back your dead dog. The Sooam Biotech Research Foundation provide a service called dog cloning service that would delight pet lovers: It can metempsychosis your dead dog, for US$100,000.

The Sooam Biotech Research Foundation specialize in cloning cattle and pigs for medical research and breed preservation as well and specially developing genetically-engineered animals for use as disease models. They provide dog cloning service that brings in the most customers as they’ve cloned almost 800 dogs since 2006, with their client base including princes, celebrities, and billionaires, as well as owners and agencies who want to replicate highly skilled sniffer and rescue dogs. Sooam’s most popular project was its creation of five clones of “Trakr”, a rescue dog that found the last survivor of the 9/11 World Trade Center tragedy.

The process to bring your pet back to life starts with putting your dead dog in the fridge – not the freezer, just the fridge. Within about five days of your dog being delivered to the facility, a mature cell from the dog can be successfully harvested to be copied; the DNA is then fused with a donor egg that has been stripped of its original genetic matter. This processed embryo is then implanted in a surrogate mother dog and two months later, your dead best friend is back to being that exact puppy you had once.