Arundhati Roy’s next fiction work after The God of Small Things

Arundhati Roy
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New Delhi: Arundhati Roy will come out with her next work of fiction in June 2017, 19 years after her Booker prize-winning novel “The God of Small Things” was published.

“The Ministry of Utmost Happiness” will be published by Hamish Hamilton UK and Penguin India, a statement said.

“I am glad to report that the mad souls (even the wicked ones) in ‘The Ministry of Utmost Happiness’ have found a way into the world, and that I have found my publishers,” Roy said.

“To publish this book is both a pleasure and an honour.

What an incredible book it is – on multiple levels; one of the finest we have read in recent times,” said Simon Prosser, Publishing Director of Hamish Hamilton & Penguin Books UK; and Meru Gokhale, Editor-in-Chief, Literary Publishing of Penguin Random House India.

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