Census: 27% (1.75 million) children with special needs never attended any school

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Persons with any other disability (17.7%) show the least percentage.

Worldwide, the International Disability and Development Consortium report said about 32.2 million school-age children with disabilities were kept out of the classroom.

The lack of access to education for the disabled is also reflected in lower literacy rates for them.

Across all age groups, the census report said the literacy rate among the disabled (which had increased from 49% in 2001 to 54.5% in 2011) was much lower than the overall literacy rate of 74%.

At 68%, the census has also reported a higher literacy rate for disabled in urban areas than in rural areas (49%).

Also, the difference in the literacy rate between males and females is wider in rural than in urban areas.

(Sourced from agencies, feature image courtesy:oneindia.com)  

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