Doping increases Olympic jeopardy

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“Yes weightlifting is in danger but I believe that weightlifting is in danger just like every other sport.”

But Adamfi said every sport is in danger because the IOC’s Agenda 2020 recommends a bigger rotation of the sports, disciplines or events.

“We know some sports where manipulation and corruption is an issue, so I think there are many issues in many sports federations.”

The IOC is to carry out a review from 2017 of sports that will be included in the 2024 Games. Events at the Rio Games this year, as well as previous Olympics, will be considered.

The IWF anti-doping policies are bound to be studied.

Marc Andrieux, head of the French weightlifting federation, said several national chiefs had been worried about the sport’s Olympic status four years ago when Tamas Ayan was elected IWF president.

Andrieux says that the Hungarian Ayan took many of the criticisms on board. “A lot of work has been done over the past four years.

“At every world or European championships, busloads of cheaters are kicked out.

From Agencies, Feature image courtesy nyt

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