The tale of three bears in the house but it went unlike Goldilocks


Once upon a time —  last week in fact — a California man came home from work and found a sliding door to his house open. He closed it.

The man’s roommate was upstairs sleeping. But something was in the kitchen making noise. So the man, Rodney Ginn, looked to see what it was.

It was three things, actually: A mama bear and her two cubs.

Ginn, of Mammoth Lakes, later told his friends on Facebook that he then “booked it upstairs.” And in a heart-racing post mentioning what happened next, it’s clear that the mama bear was not content to just take a stroll while her porridge cooled.

Ginn also posted a snapshot of the bear family on the carpeted stairs, which he took while he and the roommate — who had ignored the bears’ kitchen commotion, Ginn wrote, because he figured his pal was “cooking a late night snack” — took shelter in a bedroom.

Fortunately, the story has a happy ending. According to Ginn’s Facebook posts, the bears hung around for another 30 minutes or so, then left the way they came: Through the sliding door, which they opened on their own.

But they left the kitchen a shambles.

(Sourced from agencies, Feature image