Whatsapp introduces the feature of video calling

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While the service has had a calling feature for long now, the only thing missing was video. WhatsApp call has become an industry standard, given the data used and the quality of service and the company has replicated the same for video as well. The app does not use much data nor does it require too much of battery.

The call works perfectly even when network connectivity is not at its best. Though video flakes out at times—that is more due to data connectivity—the voice part continues to function perfectly.

But what is irksome is the access to video calls. While WhatsApp has a neatly stacked icon on the top for voice call, for video, one has to click on the person’s profile and scroll down to access it. Hopefully, this is something WhatsApp will correct in the next few updates.

Moreover, while WhatsApp does provide a secure and convenient experience as one does not have to switch apps for video, it lacks some of the advanced features like translate or group calling offered by others.

(Sourced from agencies, feature image courtesy:gizbot.com)  

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