Letting go of your banana


Kahlil Gibran wrote: “Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.” How many times have you heard the old adage “Forgive and Forget.” The path to freedom flows through forgiveness to a nonjudgemental attitude to unconditional love. All will walk that path sooner or later.


Forgiveness releases the hate, depression, and angst from your life forever. If you would say right now: “I forgive you world for all the hurts I feel, and I forgive myself for feeling them,” three times with meaning, you would notice you felt better for doing it. Forgiveness is the key to personal freedom. It unlocks the hurt and releases the pain.

If you can forgive, then you can be free. There is more information on forgiveness at this link. Forgiveness clears the past and the mind. You will then be able to make better choices by letting go of your banana.

(Sourced from agencies, Feature image courtesy:bettyklassen.com)