Obama heckled in Cleveland by pro-Trump protester

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US President Barack Obama was heckled for the second consecutive day prompting him to say that the pro-Trump protester was paid.

The incident happened at an election rally in Cleveland, Ohio. Early in the speech as Obama noted that he’d promised to work as hard as he could, a man in the back started heckling.

“While you’re not golfing!”

A moment later, the same man began shouting “Bill Clinton’s a rapist! Bill Clinton’s a rapist!” And he opened his jacket to reveal and T-shirt with Bill Clinton’s image and the word “RAPE.” There were other hecklers elsewhere in the crowd.

“Hold on a second young man, don’t be interrupting everybody, come on. Come on, sir. Come on. Everybody, just — come on, everybody. Let’s do our little chant, Obama said and chanted Hillary! Hillary! Hillary.

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