Obama talks gun control laws at Dallas Victims’ Memorial


News site Breitbart reported that US President Barack Obama spoke at the Memorial of the police officers who died in the Dallas shooting about the ease of buying guns in the country. So much so, that it is easier to “buy a Glock than a book”, he emphasised.

Breitbart reports that he suggested that police relations with minority communities are in tatters because “we flood communities with so many guns it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.” Yet we tell the police “to keep those neighborhoods in check at all costs,” he said. Obama added that we then “feign surprise when the tensions boil over.”

Obama said we all know this to be true but “we cannot even talk about these things.” He said we will not make progress until we can talk.

On July 9, Obama sounded a similar theme while speaking in Warsaw, Poland. He criticized gun laws in Texas, tied police safety to more gun control, and said Americans need to come together and talk about guns. He said, “There is a way to talk…that is consistent with our Constitution and the Second Amendment.”

He then pledged that he will not cease talking about gun control, according to Breitbart reporter Awr Hawkins.


(Featured Image courtesy www.argetinaindependent.com)