Vishal Bharadwaj says adaptation of book into film is diffcult

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Mumbai: Filmmaker Vishal Bharadwaj, who has successfully completed a trilogy on William Shakespeare’s three tragedies, says it is difficult to recreate the magic of words on screen.

Bharadwaj garnered critical acclaim and won accolades for adapting “Maqbool” (2003) from “Macbeth”, “Omkara” (2006) from “Othello”, and “Haider” (2014) from “Hamlet”.

“It’s never easy to adapt a book and make it into a film as you are never satisfied with your script. But the good part is whenever you get stuck you always have something to fall back on,” Vishal told PTI.

“The reader should condition themselves and look at the film in a different way and not bring or think about the book,” he said.

The 51-year-old filmmaker says he is attracted to suspense and espionage thrillers.

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