IIM study: Emotional intelligence and occupational stress in BSF and CRPF

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“The personnel complained they were not granted leave on time. This was a cause of great dissatisfaction among them. The procedure of granting leave took a long time and at times, the leave was granted after the period is over for which it was applied,” the study done by Professor Dheeraj Sharma of IIM-A had said.

The 11-page summary of the report said, “Personnel at these paramilitary forces suffer from acute shortage of sleep. The working duties need them to work over long, stretched hours. The deprivation of sleep reduces the energy levels and causes discontentment among the workforce.”

Sharma was tasked to undertake the on field survey of the personnel after the force headquarters and Home Ministry observed that a number of personnel were either leaving the service or opting for Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) owing to various issues.

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